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Fix: Cannot find module 'MyComponent.mdx' or its corresponding type declarations in React

If you are trying to import .mdx files with Typescript in your React project, you might be getting an error looking like this:

Fix: Cannot find module 'MyComponent.mdx' or its corresponding type declarations in React

Here's how to fix it:

First, install @types/mdx:

pnpm i -D @types/mdx

Then, inside your project, add a types folder with a mdx.d.ts file (e.g. ./src/types/mdx.d.ts), and paste this in the file:

declare module '*.mdx' {
  let MDXComponent: (props: any) => JSX.Element;
  export default MDXComponent;

Now open your tsconfig.json file, and do these two things:

  1. Add "mdx" inside "types":

"compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["react/next", "react-dom/next", "mdx"]
  1. Make sure the path of the mdx.d.ts file is included. If you added it inside the src folder, this should be enough:

  "include": ["src"],

It should work now. Good luck!